Redesign the experience of finding and customizing essential oil recipes

By redesigning the task flow of finding and customizing a recipe

and adding more information to help user make decisions.




Yuanxin Tech




6 weeks, Oct 2023

Current Status

Current Status

Current Status


My Role

My Role

My Role

Product Designer



Dr. Mom is an encyclopedia of essential oils and recipes. The experience of finding and customizing recipe is important to us.

The frequency of recipe searches is six times higher than that of any other single content type.


Many users have expressed dissatisfaction with their experience finding and customizing the recipes.


Provide user with a better essential oil recipe finding and customizing experience

To do that, I did some research to find out what’s the issue of current recipe finding and customizing experience and drew these two insights.

Solution Brief

old version

I adjusted the task flow and added auxiliary information base on the purpose of each pages.

New version

old version

New version

Problem Analysis

Research - User Journey Map



Solution for insight 1

Reorganize the task flow and spread out tasks across pages logically.

task flow redesign

Design Decisions

  1. Sort the tasks from broad categories to specific details in a logical sequence.

  1. Group closely related tasks to enhance coherence and ease of navigation.

Task flow 2.0

PM feedback

Feedback: 👍🏻

The task flow has become much clearer!

Add a new task:

Select the intended user of the recipe.

Design Decision

Combine the new task with a related task from the task flow to create a more comprehensive task flow, since both of tasks determine the quantity of essential oil to be produced.

Final Task flow

Solution for insight 2

Identify the pages that require user decision-making and create the most effective auxiliary information based on user feedback.

Design Decisions

Combining user feedback, identified potential opportunities, and development feedbacks to develop effective and feasible auxiliary information.


Interaction Design

Experience of choosing recipes

Recipe information card Design


Feedback Analysis

Users feel overwhelmed due to unclear card hierarchy and unnecessary information.


Strengthen structural hierarchy.

Experience of choosing recipes

Two different ways to show recipes


Natural Scrolling Habit

More Content Accommodation


Space Consumption

Information Overload

Layout Restrictions


Natural Scrolling Habit

More Content Accommodation


Space Consumption

Information Overload

Layout Restrictions


Natural Scrolling Habit

More Content Accommodation


Space Consumption

Information Overload

Layout Restrictions


Content Focus

Space Efficiency


Discoverability Issues

Inconvenient Operation

Limited Content Display


Content Focus

Space Efficiency


Discoverability Issues

Inconvenient Operation

Limited Content Display


Content Focus

Space Efficiency


Discoverability Issues

Inconvenient Operation

Limited Content Display


Comparative Analysis

I analyzed different display combinations with the current recipe card to determine which was more effective.

Option A

Vertical Scrolling Cards

Option A

Vertical Scrolling Cards

Option A

Vertical Scrolling Cards

Option B

Horizontal Scrolling Cards

Option B

Horizontal Scrolling Cards

Option B

Horizontal Scrolling Cards



The combination of recipe cards and horizontal scrolling resulted in a better user experience.



  1. The uniform layout of recipe cards ensures that users don't need to shift their gaze while horizontally scrolling.

  1. When there are many recipes, the presence of additional content below them requires users to spend more time to reach this information.

  1. Since the recipes consist primarily of text, vertical scrolling can easily lead to information overload.

Take Away

Fully grasping user needs and designing a coherent task flow are pivotal to the entire product.

Comparing product design to building a house, user needs are the foundation, while the task flow is the framework. If the foundation is unstable, the product loses its core; if the framework is disorganized, the product becomes contradictory and riddled with flaws.