Design a user-friendly, AI-driven aromatherapy consultation experience



Yuanxin Tech.

Yuanxin Tech.



15 weeks, Feb 2024

15 weeks, Feb 2024

Current State

Current State





Product Designer (Me), Product Manager, Full Stack Engineer

Product Designer (Me), Product Manager, Full Stack Engineer



Product Introduction


Introducing Aura, your personal AI aromatherapist. Aura helps you unwind, focus, and find well-being through the power of essential oils.


What are essential oils and recipes?

the Market of aromatherapy


USD 2 Billion

Market Value (2022)


Growth Rate

Which are the driving factors of the market?



Increasing awareness of the potential health benefits of essential oils


Rising stress levels leading to a demand for relaxation techniques


Growing consumer preference for natural products

the Challenge of traditional aromatherapy



Difficulty finding qualified practitioners


Sharing a health issue with strangers can be stressful and nerve-wracking


Cost of consultations and essential oils

oppotunity of AI aromatherapist



24/7 availability


Personalized experience


Enhanced safety and trust


Domain Knowledge Research


User Research

Target Users



target user

Essential oil curious

  • Referral by friends or found in spas

  • Like the aroma of essential oils

  • Use them for sleep or mood concerns.



Caron Flora

Age: 32-55 years old

Job: Natural Grocery Store

Family: Married, two children


People use essential oils to seek relaxation and create a calming atmosphere.

Use Cases of Essential Oils


Improved Sleep


Stress Relief


Enhanced Mood



Hard to find suitable oils


Safety Concerns


don't know the usage

User Needs

  • Find suitable and personalized essential oils and recipes easily.

  • Relieve the pressure from work and life.

  • Provide more evidence to confirm the safety of essential oils.


“I'm overwhelmed by all the essential oil recipes online. it's hard to know which one is right for me.”

User journey Map


The happy path of an essential oil curious person finding an essential oil and using it.

Key Moments

Hear about essential oils from a friend

Research essential oils

Choose an essential oil

Purchase the essential oil

Plan to use the oil

Use the essential oil


Considering that users may start with low emotional states, we need to design an experience that can help them improve their mood.

Create a short guide to introduce essential oils to users.

Offer a tool to help users find the perfect essential oil for their desired outcome.

Guide users on essential oil usage options before purchase

Inform users about the essential oils they've bought while they wait for delivery.

When essential oils aren't available for instant solutions, we need to offer simple ways to help users with their emotions.




Essential oil beginners need basic knowledge about essential oils because it can help them use essential oils safely.


Essential oil beginners need an easy experience when finding essential oils, since they lack the patience and domain knowledge to make complex decisions.


Essential oil beginners need an experience that calms them down and makes them relaxed since they primarily use essential oils for mood concerns.

How might We…



How might we

How might we provide an easy and simple essential oil recipe finding experience for essential oil curious while help them bridge the knowledge gap ?


Task flow

Task flow: aromatherapy consultation for physical issues.


  1. State your needs to the AI.

  1. Describe your symptoms for AI analysis.

  1. Select the most urgent symptoms for immediate attention.

  1. Specify the equipment you possess for the remedy.

  1. Input or select the time you can dedicate to using essential oils.

  1. Review the recommended usage frequency and density determined by the AI, along with the reasoning behind it.

  1. Examine the essential oil suggested by the AI, along with the rationale.

  1. Review the recipe provided by the AI, including real case scenarios behind it.

  1. Customize the recipe according to your preferences.

  1. Review the final recipe.

  1. Save the customized recipe to your recorded use case for future reference.

Task flow: Learn knowledge of essential oils



Usability test






Pain point

Information Overload

User felt overwhelmed in this page, since the interactive options are not well organized and structured.




Pain point


Users are confused and uncertain if this function is meant only for those who want to use essential oils to address physical health issues, and not for mental health concerns.




Style guide


Final outcome

Flow of aromatherapy consultation


Flow of learning the knowledge of essential oils


Flow of asking questions
